I'm always amazed at how marketers think free content and paid articles are two entirely different things. That fact is, your most successful blog posts and newsletter articles can make you more money than many of the products you've promoted.
The key is to pay attention to how your content is received.
One can attract the most attention when people comment on and forward the posts.
A little 200-word article that gets great feedback is trying to tell you that you...
We talk a lot about storytelling in marketing, but what’s the meaning of it all?
One simple story – the right story – can turn an unsuccessful business into a success and a successful business into a behemoth of customers and sales.
Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts and figures alone.
And our neural activity increases five times when listening to a story.
Storytelling lights up the brain's sensory cortex, allowing the listener to feel, hear, taste, and even...
Publishing Your First Kindle Book in 30 Days or Less
Last month we covered how to write your first Kindle book in 30 days or less. Now we’re going to cover how to publish your book. While this is not the most exciting step in creating, publishing, and marketing your ebook, it is crucial to get a professional-looking book that people want to buy, enjoy reading, and for which they are happy to leave positive reviews.
Your Own Publishing Company
Here’s something you’ve probably...
Persuasion is convincing someone to do something. Great persuasion is convincing them it’s their idea to do it.
When marketing is truly working, it’s appealing to all three of these systems simultaneously.
The classic recipe to do this seems almost too simple to work: First, you use images to trigger the primal brain. Second, you use empathy and a good...
How many different ways can you write an email promoting your product? Or for that matter, promoting anything?
After a while it may seem like your emails to your lists are all sounding the same, and that’s probably because they are.
But you can shake things up by incorporating ridiculous holidays into your email marketing.
Do a Google search for crazy holidays and you’ll find lists that cover the entire year. For example, just take a look at these holidays...
During a presidential debate, the sitting U.S. President gave a shout out to a group called, “Proud Boys”.
When I think of ‘proud boys’, I imagine two-year-old boys in diapers who just used the potty for the very first time.
But apparently, these “Proud Boys” are actually a white supremacist group classified by the FBI as an extremist group and a hate group. Before the debate even ended, the hashtag #ProudBoys began trending.
That’s when LGBTQ Twitter...
I recently read an article on how to be more persuasive when speaking to someone in person, which got me thinking…
Could I use any of this in my email marketing? Can in-person persuasion work when communicating over the internet?
And the answer is a qualified ‘yes’. There are some things you simply cannot do online, such as shake someone’s hand. But there are other persuasion ‘secrets’ that can be surprisingly effective when incorporated into either your...
Imagine if you had one little 4 letter word at your disposal that could keep you compliant with the law and prevent you from being attacked by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), or any other big brother agency.
When you’re writing sales copy - whether it’s an email, a sales letter, a blog post, or even a social media post - you’ve got to be careful.
One poorly worded claim and now the FDA is coming after you for giving medical advice...
As a marketer, your objective is to get your customer’s attention, hold it, and then make the sale.
The problem is, all you have in your arsenal to accomplish all of this is words. Whether you’re writing sales copy, recording a video or even speaking to a live audience at a conference, it’s the words you use that will make or break your conversion rate.
Let me give you an example: You want people to opt in to your mailing list. On your button, you place a call to action. You...