VidPenguin Productions Blog

Don't Make This One Mistake on Your Next Webinar

I just clicked on a webinar a few moments ago, and I had to almost immediately leave to write you this quick note.

As I watched the two people on screen, I found myself physically moving away from my device. In fact, I could not seem to get far enough away from these two people. Where I had been hunched over my laptop, my back was now pressed into the back of the chair, my head was turned away like I was about to flee, and I realized something was terribly wrong.

So the question is, why am I...

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The #1 Way to Cure Email Blindness and Get Your Emails READ

Your prospect opens your email…

Reads the first few sentences…

And then DELETES your email IN FRUSTRATION.


Because your first few sentences didn’t match the subject line and it confused and frustrated them.

The email felt like a waste of time…

Like maybe the subject line was clickbait.

It’s like opening the door to a chocolate shop and finding lawn mowers.


“Where’s the chocolate??!”

“This can’t be...

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Simple Case Study – How to Build a List for Free Using Affiliate Sales Pages

The other day, I was talking to a man whose business is not my specialty. But from what he shared, I think I know enough about his business to share it with you in this post.

This guy doesn’t have a website or any products of his own- and he doesn't even have a squeeze page.

Yet despite all this, he's building an email list from paid traffic in a self-liquidating manner - meaning that as much money as he makes on the traffic, it spends on building his list.

Have you heard of

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Want a "Get Out of Facebook Jail" Card?

Facebook “Jail” is when users are blocked or banned by Facebook from posting on the site or accessing their account. This is supposed to happen because of violations or spammy behavior, and it can lead to a Facebook account being deleted permanently.

But here’s the thing…

Facebook can’t accurately police content, which is why Facebook makes 300,000 content moderation mistakes…

… every single DAY.

Here’s what happens:

Facebook content...

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3 Tweaks You Can Make on Your Call-To-Actions to Instantly Increase Email Revenue

When you’re talking about an email you’re sending to your list, the call to action is when you say, “Hey Reader, click this link to get a once in a lifetime deal” or some such.

The more you can get your readers to click the links you put in your emails, the more traffic you send to your offers.

The more traffic you send to your offers, the more sales you can make. Usually. Okay, there is an exception to this rule, and it’s if you don’t set up your email and...

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Can You Pass this a Quick Coaching Quiz?

As an online marketing coach, which do you think would be easier:

A: Taking someone who is earning $1000 a month and showing them how to earn $10,000 a month

B: Taking someone who is earning nothing online and showing them how to earn $500 a month

As you’ve probably guessed, the answer is “B.”

But why is that true?

Because someone who is already earning $1000 a month likely has systems in place to earn money, they have a squeeze page and maybe a website, they have one or...

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VideoGameSuite Demo and Review by Damon Nelson

This is the first time I've seen this kind of interactive advertising platform and frankly, it's about damn time. VideoGameSuite is a NEW and fun way to get more clicks and higher conversions, using simple arcade games as banner ads. It is 100% compatible with both Masher Sites and WordPress. 
In this short video, I demonstrate how we plan on using it inside Masher sites - which is going to make your life easier than ever before!
Learn more about this app and check out...
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5 Ways To Use Google Search Console To Boost SEO Traffic

Every day, Google ranks millions – if not billions – of websites and pages for many key search terms. But even if your 'successful' pages are targeting some of the most highly-ranked keywords, you probably not ranking well for all of the keywords relevant to your site – or even the best ones for your marketing – from search engines.

There is a free tool that can help you see where your content stands in search engine rankings: Google Search Console.

This free tool from...

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Are You Doing Affiliate Marketing the Right Way?

What is one of the easiest ways to make money online without creating a product or a sales page?

Affiliate Marketing, of course.

So, why is it that most affiliate marketers never make nearly what they could make? Anyone has the potential to make HUGE money in affiliate marketing, yet 90% or more of affiliates make a pittance (I’ll wager the number is closer to 98%, in fact.)

Think about this: If you earn an average of $50 on each sale in a sales funnel you promote and make 6 sales,...

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Make Your Email Subject Clickable with these 57 Teaser Prompts

Hopefully, you’re sending 6 or 7 emails to your list each week for maximum exposure, relationship building, and sales.

But if you are, you already know the greatest obstacle – coming up with new ideas on what to put in your emails.

Here is a list of writing prompts you can use to help you find ideas and keep your emails interesting and relevant.

After all, the better your emails, the more likely they are to be consistently opened, read, and acted upon.

Here we go…

  1. A list...
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