VidPenguin Productions Blog

How Big Brands are Generating 1000 of Leads on a Daily Basis - Secret Revealed

lead gen quizzes tips Sep 13, 2020

If you keep a tab on what’s trending, then you must have heard about how quizzes are one of the most engaging content types. Yes, that’s true!

Nowadays, quizzes are used to engage potential customers. It is by asking them questions concerning their interests.

Surprising Quiz Facts That Will Make You Take Notice!

You would be amazed to know that an average quiz gets shared on Facebook for up to 2,000 times.
Quizzes provide you with user-generated insights on how your audience is...

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Beginnerā€™s Guide to A/B Split Testing

“Help! I’ve been doing online marketing for some time now, but I still don’t fully understand this whole ‘split testing’ thing I keep hearing about. What is it, why is it so important, and how do I do it?”

Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, is an experiment in marketing where you ‘split’ your audience into two or more groups to test variations of a campaign or website page. Your goal is to find out which variation works better and thus...

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Free Image Editors

Free Image Editors

Canva: Amazingly simple graphic design for bloggers. Empowers anyone to create & share powerful visuals.

Meme Generator: The Amazing meme generator.

Placeit: Free product mockups & templates.

Skitch: Get your point across with fewer words.

Social Image Resizer Tool: Create optimized images for social media. ...

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6 Success-Crushing ChatBot Mistakes

chatbots mistakes tips Dec 23, 2019

Conversational marketing via chatbot is a powerful way to move your buyers through the sales funnel. Answering questions on the spot and building stronger relationships with them can only increase sales, if done correctly.

Chatbots interact with users when they visit your site, enhancing their experience and reducing your load of customer service emails.

You can use chatbots to complete any number of specific business tasks, such as making appointments, acting as a live question and answer,...

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9 Social Media Marketing Pro-Tips You May Have Missed

social media tips Dec 21, 2019

Is social media marketing right for your product?

And if so, how can you make the most of social media marketing?

I’ve curated 9 tips that might surprise you, annoy you or even flip your concept of social media marketing on its head.

1: Be One of the First

Most people try to build their brands on platforms that are extremely competitive.

But there are other ways:

Either build your brand on a new platform BEFORE it becomes huge…

…or build your brand on an unexpected...

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6 Ways to Find New Content Ideas

software tips tools Dec 17, 2019

Use these resources to generate ideas and find out what's hot right now.

Buzzsumo: Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor.

Google Trends: Explore what the world if watching.

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator: Custom blog ideas.

Portent: Content idea generator.

Quora: Questions and answers edited by Internet users. ...

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What Does Bounce Rate Mean to Your Business and What Can You Do to Improve It?

Bounce rate, the dreaded monster that website owners fight every day.  They know that when their bounce rate is high, the likeliness of their website being given any search love is slim to none.

So, What is Bounce Rate?

According to Google, bounce rate is a metric that is calculated by search engines based on a single page visitor or session. The search engine tracks to see if the visitor remains on the site or just exits without any further interaction. Basically, they allow the page to...

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How to Sell Facebook Content and Scheduling for $200/month

You’re already familiar with social media management – actively posting and monitoring your client’s social media. You’ve got to not only make and schedule posts, but you’ve also got to answer everyone who reaches out via social media.

But there is a similar service you can offer that is far less time intensive, and that’s creating and scheduling content for businesses.

Take Facebook for example. Once a month, you create 60 posts for their page, and...

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74 Year Old Film Covertly Teaches Secret to Selling

lessons marketing tips Nov 20, 2019

I was watching a 1945 black and white movie called “Her Favorite Patient,” starring Ruth Hussey.

Remember, 1945 was the last year of the second world war.

The movie begins with Ruth driving down a country road. She sees a Marine in full uniform hitchhiking and stops to pick him up.

“Where ya headed?” asks the Marine.

“Chicago,” she says. “At least, eventually.”

“Me too, although I’ve got to get there before then.”


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6 Strategies to Get Tons of NEW Blog Traffic

blogging publishing tips Nov 13, 2019

Here are 6 simple methods for driving NEW traffic to your blog posts and articles that you publish online.

  1. Create timely content and circulate it to the right platforms. Instead of always pursuing evergreen content, create fresh, trending content that is relevant to the world at that moment.
  2. Know the purpose of your content. Focusing on pleasing Google or optimizing for clicks will get you part of the way, but it won’t be enough to keep users interested in and engaging with your...
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