VidPenguin Productions Blog

The 10 Unbreakable Rules Personal Branding

Personal branding refers to the deliberate and deliberate effort to build and alter the public's perceptions of an individual, making them experts in their field and thereby enhancing their credibility.

Branding is the way to get noticed and not forgotten.

It's what separates you from the rest of the pack.

In contrast to most marketers on the internet, You must control your brand rather than thinking that it will magically transform itself.



Rule #1: Be Memorable.

It is essential...

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How to Get Traffic from Quora

Quora is an online Q and A website that lets people ask questions on anything and everything.

To drive traffic to your website, search for any question related to your field and then answer the questions.

To locate the relevant questions, use words in your search bar. It would be best if you answered as many questions as possible to increase your authority and increase your recognition.

This will result in brand recognition and leads; however, it's unlikely to generate enough leads...

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Want a "Get Out of Facebook Jail" Card?

Facebook “Jail” is when users are blocked or banned by Facebook from posting on the site or accessing their account. This is supposed to happen because of violations or spammy behavior, and it can lead to a Facebook account being deleted permanently.

But here’s the thing…

Facebook can’t accurately police content, which is why Facebook makes 300,000 content moderation mistakes…

… every single DAY.

Here’s what happens:

Facebook content...

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How to Up Your Facebook Marketing Game Using Facebook Groups

Most of us have come to realize in order to succeed on Facebook you’ll most likely need to pay-to-play, especially with organic reach percentages so low.

But there is another workaround if you aren’t ready to fork out the big bucks for that extra post reach...

Facebook Groups.

Brands can use Facebook Groups to ensure their most important content is actually seen by their target demographic and as another way to communicate with potential and existing customers.


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How to Market Your Own Program in Facebook Groups

If it’s your own Facebook Group, then you can market your programs with no problem.

But if you’re in a Facebook Group run by anyone else, you’ve basically got two options:

1: Be active, provide value, answer questions and solve people’s problems to get noticed.

Because this can be time intensive, you might want to pick one group and stick with it rather than spreading your attention over several groups. Or you can outsource this work to someone else.

Look for...

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How to Engage Your Social Media Followers

Just about every business can use social media to sell and compete today. Without social media, your business is less likely to flourish.

But how do you get your social media followers engaged and interested? Start with these tactics:


Have a Brand Defining Visual Identification System

You know instantly if you are looking at a Microsoft, Google or Apple post or ad, regardless of whether it’s on a website, in a magazine or on social media. That’s because they’ve...

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How to Earn Multiple Income Streams from Todayā€™s Fastest Growing Social Media Platform - TikTok


TikTok began as a moderately successful video sharing tool, but now it’s become one of the most downloaded apps in the world.

Marketers have begun to see the potential of the platform, and yet you still don’t hear that much about how to monetize this new social media app.

That’s why we’re going to talk about what TikTok is and several strategies you might use to build your audience and even monetize this app.

Don't worry, you don’t have to lip synch videos and...

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25 Red Hot Facebook Group Hacks

Do you know what gets 10 times the engagement of a Facebook Page?

A Facebook Group.

If you’re still using Facebook Pages, welcome to 2020, where Facebook GROUPS are the way to win new customers and make sales.

I’m about to show you how to get people to automatically want to join your group, how to grow your email list and how to get your group members to tell you want they want to BUY from you, too.

Here are 25 rapid fire tips to help you master any Facebook group you're using for...

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How to Sell Facebook Content and Scheduling for $200/month

You’re already familiar with social media management – actively posting and monitoring your client’s social media. You’ve got to not only make and schedule posts, but you’ve also got to answer everyone who reaches out via social media.

But there is a similar service you can offer that is far less time intensive, and that’s creating and scheduling content for businesses.

Take Facebook for example. Once a month, you create 60 posts for their page, and...

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