VidPenguin Productions Blog

7 Easy Steps to Creating Evergreen Articles that Google Loves to Rank for You

Cornerstone content is the best, most important article(s) on your website. These are the posts you make to rank high in the search engines and look like the authority you are.

When writing one of these articles, your goal is to provide the best and most complete information on your topic. Your goal isn’t to sell, at least not right away. You want to present yourself and your website as THE authority on your topic, the one readers, turn to for reliable information and advice.

You can...

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Why Your New Subscriber Didnā€™t Receive Your Download Link

You get a new subscriber, but they don’t receive your confirmation email. Or maybe they get that one, but they don’t get the following email with the download link.

Was it your fault?

Probably not.

Online marketers email a lot.

And we’re used to a handful of people being jerks – subscribing, grabbing the freebie, and then complaining we’ve spammed them.

But email reputation works both ways these days, and someone who does that is hurting themselves more than you....

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How to get Heavy Hitter Affiliates to promote Your Products

Let's suppose you have a brand new product that is performing well. It converts at 10% or higher, the earnings per Click are incredible, and upsells are also doing amazing.

You are now able to contact MAJOR affiliate partners and associates to promote your product.

These heavy-hitters are looking to promote stuff that will make them serious money. You've already proved that your product can do that.

You can also make a lot of money by joining one of these joint ventures.

Your next step is to...

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3 Tweaks You Can Make on Your Call-To-Actions to Instantly Increase Email Revenue

When you’re talking about an email you’re sending to your list, the call to action is when you say, “Hey Reader, click this link to get a once in a lifetime deal” or some such.

The more you can get your readers to click the links you put in your emails, the more traffic you send to your offers.

The more traffic you send to your offers, the more sales you can make. Usually. Okay, there is an exception to this rule, and it’s if you don’t set up your email and...

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VideoGameSuite Demo and Review by Damon Nelson

This is the first time I've seen this kind of interactive advertising platform and frankly, it's about damn time. VideoGameSuite is a NEW and fun way to get more clicks and higher conversions, using simple arcade games as banner ads. It is 100% compatible with both Masher Sites and WordPress. 
In this short video, I demonstrate how we plan on using it inside Masher sites - which is going to make your life easier than ever before!
Learn more about this app and check out...
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The New Emoji Marketing Method

Emojis aren’t just for friends; they’re the ultimate magnet for capturing your customers’ attention, increasing user engagement, and even helping to close sales.

The funny thing is that most businesses think emojis are best left to 16-year old girls:

“We want to maintain a professional appearance to our customers, which is why we will never use emojis in any of our communications,” said the out-of-touch company executive to the marketing team struggling to...

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Here is Super Simple Business Model for Content Creators


This will only work if you like to write emails and create products, or whether you're able to outsource email composing and product development.

But this is so straightforward and clean; I thought it's worth mentioning.
There is a gal I know who never, actually promotes affiliate merchandise to her list. She just won't do it.

Rather, she only promotes her products.
Every day she writes and sends out a new email to her list.
Then when she is done marketing that one, she'll proceed to another...

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Online Marketers: The One Simple Shift that will Catapult You to Success

It’s my opinion that any online marketer - regardless of niche - who doesn’t do the following is essentially hiking up a rocky mountain barefoot when s/he could be taking the ski lift.

Online marketing boils down to this: We either create our own products or choose affiliate products, and then we spend our precious time, energy and money getting people to BUY those products.

But only a relatively small percentage of marketers make the one simple shift that will catapult them to...

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How to Setup a 52 Week Membership Site in 7 Days

Membership sites are AWESOME because you make a sale once and get paid over and over again.


Membership sites suck because you have to create a never-ending stream of content.

It’s kind of like being chained to your content stove, cooking up new and exciting dishes every week without duplication, forever.

Can you really create 3 years, 5 years or 10 years’ worth of fresh content? And for that matter, do you really want to create that much content in the first place?


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