VidPenguin Productions Blog

6 Simple Words that Could Change How You Sell Products Forever!

6 Magic Words that Sell More Products

You’re writing an email.

Or you’re creating a lead magnet.

Or maybe it’s a blogpost.

Whatever it is, somewhere in there you’re talking about how to do something.

Step 1, Step 2 and so forth.

  • How to Double Your Traffic
  • How to Get More Free-Spending Clients
  • How to Grow 100 Pound Purple and Pink Pumpkins

You’re telling the reader what to do and how to do it. You’re sharing your methods and your resources.

And when you...

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Can Stupid Jokes Make for Good Marketing Emails?

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to continually come up with new topics for your emails.

The first 20 are easy.

The next 30 aren’t too difficult.

The next 50 take work.

And once you’ve done a few hundred emails, you’re pretty sure you’re just writing the same things over and over again – most likely because you are.

If you want to keep your emails fresh, interesting and even exciting for your readers, then it’s time to step up your game and find...

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Top 10 Changes Coming to Digital Marketing in 2021

Thanks to Covid-19, businesses have been pushed from the offline to the online world at record speed, making digital marketing more competitive than ever.

How can you compete in 2021?

1: If you haven’t already, it’s time to get serious about putting out plenty of great content. Whether it’s one sentence on social media or an entire white paper, you need lots of content continually flooding the internet daily.

2: Change the size of your content. Instead of making super long...

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This Email Line Could Add an extra $500-1000 a Month to Your Income

This is truly old school, and yet most marketers never do this.

In fact, it can add several hundred dollars or more to your bottom line each and every month.

And all it takes is a line or two of text in your emails.

What is it?

The signature line.

Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list.

This can be one of your flagship products, such as your coaching program or a high-end course.

Yes, it sounds almost too simple....

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Ten Words that Turn Undecided Prospects into Paying Customers

On any page where your goal is to convince someone to opt-in to something - it could be a lead magnet, purchasing your product, hiring your services – insert these two questions:

What’s in it for you? (Insert your answer)

“Is this for me, Bob?” (Insert your own name and the answer)

Too often, we forget to tell people what’s in it for them and how to tell if it’s a good fit for their wants, needs, and desires.

By using and answering these two questions, you...

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Triple Your Conversions with this Hidden Sales Letter Technique

If you’ve read enough spy stories, you know how messages can be hidden within messages. Maybe every 14th word on the page spells out the location of buried treasure, or the first letter on every page spells the time and date when they break out of prison, or…

You get the idea.

Frankly, what I’m about to reveal isn’t that clever. This hidden sales letter is actually hiding in plain sight for anyone to see, and yet most people will never realize exactly how or why this...

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The Secret to Attracting a Massive Audience with Your Blog

Maybe it's the thrill of writing something that could potentially go viral, or maybe they've just been bitten by the blogging bug. Either way, there are plenty of bloggers out there who write specifically to entertain and bring a smile to someone's face.

But this type of blogging is generally more for fun than for profit.

To make money with your blog, you’ll want to focus on keyword phrases and questions your target audience is actively searching for.

When you help people solve...

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How to Make Money from Other Peopleā€™s Ideas

I want to be clear right up front – there is NO stealing required to do this.

In fact, professionals have been doing this same thing forever, or at least since people have been creating stories, content, and so forth.

I’ll give you some movie examples:

Bridget Jones Diary (2001) is really a modern version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

Clueless (1995) is based on Jane Austen’s Emma.

Cruel Intentions (1999) is a modern version of Pierre Choderlos de Lacios’...

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Made You Look! How to Make Headline Grabbers Work for You


Headlines are the "make or break," "do or die" piece of your content. Think of all the times you've scanned title after title before clicking on the headline that stopped your scroll.

73% of people admit to skimming blog posts, while only 27% consume them thoroughly. Without a compelling headline, your content won’t receive the eyes it deserves.

But what exactly are headline grabbers? And how do you write one that stands out among the black-and-white sea of copy monotony? Most...

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6 Bullet Point Tips

1: Just like a headline, each bullet point should express a clear benefit.

2: When possible, keep your bullet points symmetrical. Make them all one line each, or two lines. Use short headlines of 1-4 words for each one, or don’t use headlines, and so forth. This makes it easier on the eyes and easier to read.

3: Keep your bullets clean and uncluttered. Without exception they must always be easy to read, or why even bother using bullet points?

4: Each section of bullet points should have...

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