Make Your Email Subject Clickable with these 57 Teaser Prompts

Hopefully, you’re sending 6 or 7 emails to your list each week for maximum exposure, relationship building, and sales.

But if you are, you already know the greatest obstacle – coming up with new ideas on what to put in your emails.

Here is a list of writing prompts you can use to help you find ideas and keep your emails interesting and relevant.

After all, the better your emails, the more likely they are to be consistently opened, read, and acted upon.

Here we go…

  1. A list of ways that your product will help you with _____.
  2. Wish I'd known ____ before ____.
  3. What ____ means for {company or industry}.
  4. The best things I learned at ______.
  5. ______: I Learned The Tough Way.
  6. What happened on this day_____ {pick a number} years ago.
  7. 100 ____ that will ____ you be more awesome at what you do.
  8. We've been doing this wrong...
  9. Ask ____ {pick a number} people the same question and compile it into a collaborative email.
  10. Why this ____ {pick a video} teaches you all you need to know about ____.
  11. ____ {pick a number} _____ {type of videos} Videos That Will Help You ______.
  12. The ultimate guide to ______.
  13. Do _____ {number} Things By _____ {event}.
  14. What ____ {name of someone or something} Never Told You The Truth About ____.
  15. Why I'm going to quit ______.
  16. What are your goals for the next five years?
  17. ____ {number} Real People Share Their Biggest _______ {topic} Problems
  18. ____ {number} Ways To Track _____ {topic} Your _____ Without Going Crazy
  19. ____ {number} Blog Posts To Read When You're _____.
  20. This Trick Helped Me ____.
  21. What You Need To Know If You're _____.
  22. How I Went From ______ To _____.
  23. ____ {number} Empowering Ways To Track ____ Without ____.
  24. The Truth About ____.
  25. ___ {number} Crucial Things To Do If _____.
  26. ___ {number} ___ That Will ___.
  27. ___ {number} ___ Share The Top Tips They Give To _____.
  28. What Is ___, Anyway?
  29. Here's What Makes The Real Difference Between ____ And ____.
  30. Is Giving Up ____ A Good Way To ____.
  31. Here's Everything You Need To Know About ___.
  32. Why ___ Doesn't Want You To ___.
  33. Is This The Reason You Can't ___.
  34. The Exact Formula For ___.
  35. ___ {number} Ways ___ Can Help You ___.
  36. Why ___ Should Just Relax About ___.
  37. ___ {number} Ways To ___ Without ___.
  38. ___ {number} ___ {topic} Hacks To Add To Your Bag Of Tricks
  39. Real-Life Solutions For _____.
  40. Low-Cost Tools To Help With ____.
  41. Conquer Your Fear Of ___ With ___.
  42. ___ {number} ___ Ideas To Give A Try
  43. Must-Have ____ Tips To Have For ___
  44. ___ {year} ____ Trends
  45. ___ {number} DIY ___ Ideas
  46. ___ {number} ___ Budget Busters
  47. Easy ___ Tips For Your ___.
  48. Easy-To-Make ___ That Will ___.
  49. Must-Have-Tools For A ___.
  50. 1-Hour Tips For ___ That Will ___.
  51. ___ {Topic}: Easy Ways To ___.
  52. Spruce Up Your ___ With These Awesome ____ Tips.
  53. ___ {number} Things ___ (certain title for a person) Do.
  54. ___ {number} Rules That Are Stupid.
  55. ___ {number} Warning Signs That ___.
  56. The Heartbreaking Reality Of ___.
  57. ___ {number} Things That ___ {certain people title} Think About ___.

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