Here is How to Experience the "Fresh Start Effect"


The fresh start effect is defined as the feeling all individuals know at the beginning or end of an experience, week etc. It says that people are better at tackling their goals when they start on so-called temporal landmarks.

What is less obvious actually is the fact that not all beginnings are equally good. After a big success, you are very likely to know failure, for instance.

Keep track of your performance

In order to reach your goal, learn to rely on performance metrics, in order to understand where exactly you stand in terms of performance. To allow a successful tracking of personal progress:
  • Define a deadline
  • Use a simple system to track your progress
  • Ask for help from a trustworthy person if you cannot do it yourself.

Think big

 After a period of success, you most certainly want to keep doing the things in the same way, as it has allowed you to achieve everything that was on your list, rather than starting all over again.

In order to make sure that it does happen like this, consider making a visual that can enable you to go over your past progress while keep your motivation alive or keeping track of your progress by means of monthly reports.

Embrace new beginnings

Whenever you are faced with failure, learn to embrace the idea of a fresh start.

In order to make a clean fresh start, consider letting go of past failures as well as focusing on your current objectives and making sure that you start right now.

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